Are You Developing Smartphone Neck?
The normal curves of the spine reduce the stress in our spine by 10 times. That may be hard to believe, but think about a spring—by being curved, it does not bend at one point, but the stress is absorbed throughout the spring. The same is true of our spine in that the curves help to absorb shock and stress.
The normal curves of the spine reduce the stress in our spine by 10 times. That may be hard to believe, but think about a spring—by being curved, it does not bend at one point, but the stress is absorbed throughout the spring. The same is true of our spine in that the curves help to absorb shock and stress.
Read more in the above patient handout to see what postures are causing changes to these normal curves and how you can correct them. Â If you are already having symptoms you should see a PT and get the appropriate help to reverse these changes and make your body and spine more efficient again.